Dignity and Respect
Provision: In creating a school environment built on dignity and respect, the school must evaluate? (Actions taken):
Our Curriculum of Grace is designed with God at the centre
Impact: How do you know it is working?
Hard data demonstrates that outcomes are good. Soft data, including parental feedback and collective worship show that our children and through them, parents, have a good knowledge of how to have a relationship with God
Actions taken Training – Whole school received updated PREVENT training in November. Governance – We have an excellent and diligent safeguarding governor. Policies – Our other policies are effective and well monitored by the Governors. | Impact As a consequence staff are confident, resilient and able to deal with all difficult situations. We have created an effective culture of safeguarding. We have clear systems and audit these systems regularly. We complete the 175 audit and act on the outcomes. We use C-POMS effectively and this ensures joined up thinking between all relevant parties. It also allows us to interrogate information effectively spot trends and ensure that we act swiftly upon them. Equal Opportunities, SEN, – We live out our mission statement ensuring that all pupils are treated equally regardless of background. |
Actions taken Reflective curriculum – the curriculum is planned to promote respect and diversity. School displays – our displays are used to highlight events and celebrations that demonstrate diversity. School library – resources include books that link to different religions and diverse backgrounds and families. Celebration assemblies – promote the shared successes of all children and their uniqueness. Class worship – respect, differences and diversity form part of the worship calendar and the big questions long term overview. Special curriculum days – we celebrated events such as ‘odd socks day’ that celebrates our differences as individuals. Festivals – the worship calendar helps us to plan for key events that include the exploration of different faiths. We have a Christmas Jumper Day. We make Christ-centred Christmas cards and each class has a different theme. These are them bought by parents. | Impact As part of the curriculum we ensure that we maximise opportunities to understand respect and celebrate difference and diversity. We give each class a British Value to explore to ensure that there are opportunities to explore diversity across the curriculum. In Early Years and Key Stage 1 the value is shared as the children explore democracy, as children move through school, they will explore areas such as tolerance and respect. We follow the SCARF curriculum to ensure that our Christian beliefs are interwoven through the curriculum. The curriculum looks at the ways in which we are all unique and celebrates differences and diversity across each year band. It encourages children to become reflective of the ways that we can respect others and show it. It promotes the ways in which children can respect themselves as well as others. Our school environment is set up to allow all children to feel included in our unique school. We celebrate the achievements of all through display work, our key stage superstar logs and our celebration assemblies. We also encourage those who are finding things a little more of a challenge by promoting a growth mindset and showing them that it is ok to feel stuck sometimes. In the school library we have introduced books that explore diversity. Non-fiction titles include books that explore a variety of different faiths and beliefs and fiction titles allow us to explore the differences between people, families and circumstances in a way that children understand at their own level. We hold special curriculum days and join in with events that are celebrated nationally such as Children In Need and Odd Socks Day. These special events allow us to further celebrate the children as individuals and celebrate others as individuals too. We follow the whole school faith map that covers festivals and events that can be explored by class teachers during the year. This is inclusive of Christian festivals and others such as Diwali, Sukkot, Hanukkah. We hold special assemblies that celebrate festivals and link these to worship. |
Actions taken PSHE Lead – the PSHE lead works closely with the RE lead to design a curriculum that sensitively approaches RSE. SCARF curriculum – the CORAM SCARF Curriculum was introduced to develop the PSHE curriculum. School Library – resources include books that promote the uniqueness of each of us and how we can look after ourselves. | Impact Our RSE policy is linked to our work with the SCARF curriculum and is due to be updated by the PSHE lead to reflect this. Our curriculum covers healthy relationships, feelings and emotions and valuing difference. These areas are covered within every year band in an age-appropriate context. The resources that we have for this include those created by CORAM as part of the curriculum. These resources are organized around the PSHE Association’s Programmes of Study Learning opportunities and these will be adapted with the introduction of the DfE’s new Relationships Education and Health Education statutory guidance. |
To ensure that relevant safeguarding training is up to date and is reflective of the current staffing situation – CPOMS, KCSiE, Prevent. To develop our new PSHE policy and adapt the curriculum in line with upcoming statutory guidance. The PSHE lead is to work alongside the RE lead to develop the curriculum coverage on the approach to RSE from 2020 onward.