3. Character Development: Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy

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Character Development: Hope, Aspiration and Courageous Advocacy

Provision: In developing character, the school must evaluate?: (Actions taken):

Our Curriculum of Grace is designed with God at the centre

Impact: How do you know it is working?

Hard data demonstrates that outcomes are good.  Soft data, including parental feedback and collective worship show that our children and through them, parents,  have a good knowledge of how to have a relationship with God

Actions Taken

In school we have peer mentors, playleaders, prefects, vicar’s prize winner and monitors

We have introduced Growth Mindset and constantly make mention to it both in assemblies and worship but also within the classroom.

We invite visitors into school to share their journey.

We have created a system which produces aspirational peer models. As a school we have identified the ‘Vicar’s prize winner’ as a child who clearly demonstrates the Gospel values. Ella wears a jumper identifying her as the vicar’s prize winner so that the other children can emulate her behavior and actions.

The children are beginning to understand the power of YET. We are building resilience and creating the understanding that to a certain extent success involves failure.

Mr Stuck and Puppy Stuck are tangible physical reminders for our younger children that failure is part of success. Further up the school the principles of growth mindset are constantly referred to.

Children will hear the message of faith from a rich variety of sources.
Actions Taken

Each class has an established Christian value which is linked firmly to bible verses. These values are: friendship, thankfulness, compassion, forgiveness, truthfulness, justice, respect & reverence and koinonia.

We are beginning to ask Big Questions but more work needs to happen on this. We are using the World News Sent some emails to Lisa Clarke – literally called the Big Picture or Big news – need to follow this up

Our geography curriculum has been designed deliberately to provide opportunities relating to Global Links.

Eco guardians have specifically investigated plastic in the sea

Floor Books will be used to explore Big Questions. Specific Big Questions have been allocated to each yearband.

Children understand that the responsibility for God’s Wonderful World has been passed to them. They understand this principally from Christian Values.

We are beginning to do work on the Big picture.

Children have heard from their peers the importance of cutting down on the use of plastics.

Floor books allow a creative way for staff and children to record debate around a range of Big Questions
Actions taken

We support a range of Charities

Butterfly Tree Charity founded in 2006

We have worked with Helping the Homeless Wigan to make children and parants aware of their obligation to support the local community. The children presented a drama highlighting the plight of homeless people and there was a collection at the end of the service to raise money for the charity.

Our children understand that there are others who are less fortunate than ourselves and they are beginning to understand that essentially ‘giving’ is fundamental part of being a Christian.

Some of our charities are national and some are local and this is a deliberate choice so that the children understand the local and national picture. We donate money to some charities, food to others and time and support to others. We are raising awareness that there are many ways to give other than just financial.

Every lent, as a whole school initiative, we have a special charity which we try to make a local one and encourage our families and children to connect with it.

Every Harvest, as a whole school initiative, we bring ‘gifts’ to church and donate. This year it was tins and packets to give to the Brick the charity for the homeless in Wigan.

The Butterfly Tree Charity was founded in 2006 in Zambia and supports orphans – this global charity allows our children to understand the inequalities of the world.

We use twitter strategically to inform our parents of the charities we support.

Strengthen links with other charities