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Community and Living Well Together
Provision: In creating a community where all live well together, the school must evaluate: ? (Actions taken):
Our Curriculum of Grace is designed with God at the centre
Impact: How do you know it is working?
Hard data demonstrates that outcomes are good. Soft data, including parental feedback and collective worship show that our children and through them, parents, have a good knowledge of how to have a relationship with God
Actions taken Our Christian vision permeates the manner in which we conduct ourselves and the way we form relationships in our school. Our behavior Policy completely reflects our Christian ethos. Our reward system is based on positive encouragement. We support fully any child who is in danger of exclusion via Early Help and PSP | Impact Wellspring is a very tangible example of our positive Christian relationships. We can have very difficult conversations in the morning but on a Wednesday afternoon we will be sat eating around the table with those parents. Wellspring has completely changed the manner and approach of some of our parents. School is clearly behaving in a strongly Christian manner and going beyond to support children and families eg we arranged for one of our children who was at imminent risk of exclusion to attend the Engagement centre even though it was expensive. We have supported children in the past with 2:1 support to prevent exclusion. We encourage families of children at risk of exclusion to attend Wellspring to receive support and encouragement from others. This has led to baptism. Eg Josh |
Actions taken We support good mental health by developing a genuine healthy relationship with God. Going for Gold – our walk to Tokyo School Garden – we have recently won our 5th Green Flag. Children can access this as an eco-guardian or during Golden Time. We create a sense of belonging because we refer to being part of the family of God and the family of St Paul – that belonging extends to Wellspring. We regularly ask the children to consider how much Golden time they should lose due to misbehavior. We are a listening school and try to meet the needs of the individual. We have a high number of EHCP pupils because it is recognized locally that we are inclusive. We try to address staff wellbeing. The Vicar regularly holds reflection sessions instead of staff meeting where staff come together to offer support for each other, spend quality time together and have the opportunity to meet with the vicar on a 1:1 basis. Y6 children are trained as peer mentors to allow them to support younger children with friendship issues. Staff attended Mental Health Wellbeing day run by TESS | Impact Children always have God to talk to no matter how difficult the conversation. Children know and understand that no problem is too Big (we sing about this) -. for God to help them with and if they are truly sorry for something they have done God will forgive them. We talk constantly about God’s wonderful world and the positive mental benefits from being outside, looking up, and appreciating nature. Going for gold is another of our initiatives to encourage physical activity which again is an excellent tool for positive mental health. 10 years ago we had 15 people at our Harvest service – this year the church was full and this is true of all of the main Church festivals – Harvest, Christmas, Ash Wednesday, Easter. We come together with a sense of belonging and as a family. Wellspring extends this offer and has been responsible for creating disciples. Literally taking parents who are non-church attenders and through the presence of the Holy spirit, leading those people to Christ. This has led to baptism and confirmation. Our school is usually full. We are over subscribed in Reception. We offer flexible working opportunities to meet the needs of staff. We try to manage work load effectively by where possible buying in schemes of work and reducing the requirements of mark and assessment when it is not necessary |
Develop a rolling programme to promote staff health and wellbeing.
Consider applying for an accreditation for staff wellbeing